| Japanese (日本語)

* Government Initiatives Related to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Quarantine Information

  1. Plants and Plant Products
  2. Live Animals, Meat and Meat Products

Note: The information contained in these pages relates to only the most frequently asked questions, does not explain all of the applicable laws and regulations and is subject to change without notice. This site is provided for your convenience only.

1. Plants and Plant Products

Plants and Plant products are subject to plant quarantine to prevent a possible invasion of pests which may inhabit these plants. It is stipulated by Japanese law that a phytosanitary certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture be attached to the plants.

(1) Import-banned items

The following chart shows major import-banned items from the U.S.A. to Japan.

Major import-banned items Quarantine pests
Fresh fruits such as apple, pear, peach, sweet cherry, walnut in shell (excluding some breeds) Codling moth
Roots or underground portions of citrus, pineapple, genera of Anthurium, etc. Citrus burrowing nematode
Rice plants, rice straw, rice husk and rice in the husk. Rice quarantine pests
Soil, plants with soil, plant quarantine pests,  

(2) Items subject to quarantine

This category covers the plant items other than import-banned but which are inspected upon entry. It involves a wide range of plants such as seedlings, ornamental plants, cut flowers, bulbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, logs, spice crops, herbs etc. In this case, a phytosanitary certificate from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is required.

(3) Items not subject to quarantine

No inspection is required for some highly processed items such as lumber, tea and the like.

For more information, please check website of Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Plant Protection Station:

2. Live Animals, Meat and Meat Products

(1) Inspection Procedure

For the following articles to gain entry into Japan they must go through quarantine, regardless of the quantity to be imported, purpose for importation, or means of transportation. Importing of articles subject to Animal Quarantine will not be permitted without an inspection certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This certificate should state that the articles are not contaminated by or carriers of infectious diseases of domestic animals. Be sure to have any carried on articles inspected at the "Animal Quarantine" counter before entering customs. Mailed articles must also be quarantined. Before designated articles are sent, please advise the sender of this.

Note: There may be changes in the detailed quarantine requirements for live animals by the time quarantine inspection actually commence. Please inquire at the Department of the Planning and Coordination of Animal Quarantine Station, Yokohama Head Office (Tel: 81-45-751-5921) or check website of Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Animal Quarantine Station:

(2) Examples of Articles Subject to Animal Quarantine

  1. Cloven-hoofed animals: Cattle, Swine, Goats, Sheep, Giraffes, Buffalo, Deer, Antelope, Reindeer, Camels, Hippopotamus, etc.
  2. Equidae: Horses, Donkeys, Ponies, Zebras, etc.
  3. Poultry: Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Quail, Geese, etc. and their respective eggs
  4. Rabbits and Honeybees
  5. Bone, Meat (including beef jerky), Fat, Blood, Hide and Skin, Hair, Feathers, Horns (including processed goods), Hooves, Tendons, Viscera, Raw milk, Semen, Embryo, Blood meal, Excrement, Urine and Carcasses
  6. Sausage, Ham, Bacon
  7. Microbes (Prohibited articles imported with permission issued by Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
  8. Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Raccoons, Foxes and Skunks

(3) Dogs and Cats

Please visit the Animal Quarantine Service website or contact their offices.

(4) Other Animals

If you want to information on regulations and quarantine inspection to bring animals such as monkeys, raccoons, foxes and skunks, please inquire at the Department of the Planning and Coordination of Animal Quarantine Station, Yokohama Head Office (Tel: 81-45-751-5921) or check website of Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Animal Quarantine Station.

For further information,please visit following sites.


(c) Consulate-General of Japan in New York
299 Park Avenue 18th Floor, New York, NY 10171
Tel: (212)371-8222